Access resources geared towards improving participation and learning outcomes of children with disabilities.
Inclusion is most effective when schools create a culture that celebrates diversity and builds on the strengths of each student. Family engagement may look different from school to school, and it is important for schools to support families in a variety…
This study from Leonard Cheshire looks at the robustness of policy and legal frameworks and the needs of teachers and learners with disabilities in regard to addressing school violence and bullying within the Eastern and Southern African region. It…
Global disability data collection has progressed considerably in recent years. However, in a world increasingly awash with data, too many countries still have poor disability data, and persons with disabilities are still hidden because of a lack of…
This factsheet draws on study carried out by Humanity & Inclusion (HI) with the support of the AFD (Agence Française de Développement) and Norad (Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation) as part of our regional inclusive education projects. The…
Similar to inclusive education, UDL is often viewed as an approach only for the inclusion of learners with disabilities. However, it is a practice aimed at the inclusion of all learners, irrespective of the kind of barriers to learning that they face.…
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has gained international attention as a promising framework for reducing barriers to education and developing equitable, quality learning for all. Created by CAST over 30 years ago and based in neuro-psychology,…
More than a billion persons globally, about 15 percent of the world’s population, are estimated to have a disability. Most of them live in low- and middle-income countries. This number is expected to increase. However, the lack of data on disability…
The Inclusive Education Resources and Toolkit is a resource and reference for all staff working in education programming to mainstream inclusion in their work. The Toolkit provides recommendations and resources to strengthen inclusive education…
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