TOWARDS EQUITY IN ASSESSMENT: Making Standardized Learning Assessments More Accessible for Learners with Disabilities


Recognizing their unique experience in mandating and advising on the inclusion of learners with disabilities in learning assessments, the Girls’ Education Challenge (GEC) Fund Manager (FM), funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), and All Children Reading: A Grand Challenge for Development (ACR GCD), a partnership of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), World Vision and the Australian Government, partnered to spearhead the development of this technical brief.

The purpose of this brief is to share lessons that implementers, assessment designers and researchers have learned by including learners with disabilities in standardized summative learning assessments. This technical brief also aims to encourage others to commit to including learners with disabilities in learning assessments and to provide recommendations on how to measure these learners’ learning outcomes more validly and reliably.


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Key Area
learners with disabilities
learning assessments


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