Innovations to strengthen social determinants of disability-inclusive education


Selection Number: 1273904
Request for Expressions of Interest (EOI)

The IEI seeks to identify and analyze innovative solutions to demand-side gaps and barriers that hinder the successful educational participation and learning of children with disabilities in low and middle-income countries. The IEI is focusing on children with disabilities at the primary school level. 

The IEI is seeking expressions of interest (EOI) in submitting proposals to explore innovations in one or more of the following sub-thematic areas:

  • Inclusive communities: Address entrenched attitudinal and service barriers to shape inclusive and resilient communities where children with disabilities thrive.
  • Strengthening learning continuity between home and school: To ensure children with disabilities have equal opportunity to continue reading/learning after school and during school shutdowns.
  • Financial resources, service delivery, and social protection: Solutions to address the concerns of hidden and additional costs of disability-inclusive education at the child or household level.
  • Strengthening Parent/Caregiver Knowledge and Involvement: Building the knowledge, capacity and competencies of parents and caregivers of children with disabilities.

Innovations can come in many forms, including service delivery, resource allocation, availability and use of applications/tools/technologies, behavioral change interventions, and learning materials.

Go to: and click on Business Opportunities
Selection Number: 1273904, IEI Innovations - Social Determinants, Families, Communities

Please read through the concept note for further details: [ATTACHMENT]
Template to submit summary of proposed innovation: [ATTACHMENT]


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