Evaluation of UNICEF Interventions Addressing Inclusion of Children with Disabilities



The purpose of this evaluation is to examine how and to what extent UNICEF North Macedonia’s inclusion programming from 2016-2020 has contributed to addressing system-level bottlenecks impacting access to social, health, and education services for children with disabilities and their ability to live in caring family environments, as is their right. The objective of the evaluation is to inform UNICEF’s ongoing and future programming on behalf of children with disabilities and their families. The intended audience is UNICEF country office programme officers and relevant duty bearers within and outside of the government. UNICEF formed an Evaluation Reference Group (ERG) composed of duty bearers and other stakeholders from across sectors, including government officials, advisors, and implementers. The ERG convened during the inception phase of the evaluation as well as at its conclusion, to hear the findings and refine and prioritize the recommendations.

Inclusive Development Partners (IDP) used the below methodologies for the evaluation:

• Planning and programme inquiry meetings with UNICEF programme officers to guide the evaluation design and methodology and to validate findings.

• Desk-based review and portfolio analysis of UNICEF’s existing documentation and other existing documentation, reports, and data.

• Country mission and data collection. Overall, feedback was collected from 42 stakeholders through key informant interviews and focus group discussions and from 2,552 stakeholders via online surveys.

• Data analysis using evaluative frameworks (rubrics) based on the quality of the data and its alignment with global normative standards for best practices in inclusion, per the CRPD and existing evidence.



The evaluation is envisioned as a cross-cutting, thematic evaluation that would encompass actions implemented during the country programme 2016-2020 across four programmes—child protection, education, social protection and health and nutrition—as well as a comprehensive communication strategy aimed at inclusion of children with disabilities. It will examine UNICEF’s contribution to system level changes and the transformation of nationally developed approaches (supply and demand driven). Its overarching goal will be to contribute to ongoing reform processes, inform policymaking and guide programme design, as well as enhance the accountability of UNICEF to key stakeholders and contribute to learning and knowledge sharing related to the situation of children with disabilities in the country.

The purpose of the evaluation is to provide a summary account of UNICEF’s results to date in programmes supporting inclusion of children with disabilities in the country , including interventions designed and implemented as part of the COVID-19 response. The evaluation will be forward looking, being an important learning opportunity, both for UNICEF and its partners, especially the government, in deriving lessons from the experience and existing evidence that can bring attention to the policies and good practices and inform UNICEF programming targeting children with disabilities and their families at all levels.

Findings and recommendations of the evaluation will be very valuable to help UNICEF North Macedonia to reflect on its own progress and plan next steps taking into account regional lessons learned.


Management response

Download Management Response 29 Jun 2023

Key Area
children with disabilities

Europe & Central Asia

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