This approach paper provides guidance to World Bank Education Task Team Leaders (TTLs), World Bank staff across sectors, and other stakeholders on how to ensure education sector operations become more inclusive and include marginalized learners, such as learners with disabilities. The primary purpose of the approach paper is to ensure that education systems are strengthened to become more inclusive and accommodate the diverse needs of all learners, including learners with disabilities, from the outset—whether drafting a research plan for an analytical study or conceptualizing operational work including lending operations. Despite a global focus on inclusive education, many of the most marginalized learners, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), remain left behind. For these learners, disadvantages may be amplified through intersecting variables such as gender and poverty. This approach paper provides four overarching principles to guide the World Bank’s inclusive education approach. Inclusive education has historically been associated with persons with disabilities; however, inclusion is broader in scope.