Universal Design for Learning: Impact on Policy, Practice, and Partnerships for Inclusive Education


Universal Design for Learning (UDL) has gained international attention as a promising framework for reducing barriers to education and developing equitable, quality learning for all. Created by CAST over 30 years ago and based in neuro-psychology, psychology, education, and special education research, UDL has evolved into a framework that supports the learning of every student. The intention of the framework is to provide learners the opportunities necessary to find purpose and motivation, become resourceful and knowledgeable as well as strategic and goal directed when learning. Regardless of learning needs, socio-economic status, gender, ethnicity, or any other demographic descriptor, these are skills every learner needs to gain.

This white paper, an outcome of a Global Education Summit Side Event about UDL, contains insights for those seeking to advance the creation of inclusive education opportunities worldwide, with specific recommendations for effective research opportunities, policy development, systems change and classroom impact.

What you will learn:
  • How the UDL framework was used in the design of the UDL Side Event.
  • An overview of the four topics presented during the UDL Side Event including the feedback provided by participants.
  • Proposed next steps for the international audience, specifically those in low-middle income countries interested in supporting the implementation.

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