UNICEF: Disability-Inclusive Humanitarian Action Toolkit


Operational guidance on including children with disabilities in humanitarian response

This toolkit is a set of short guidance, practical tools, and capacity-building packages that provide operational guidance on including children with disabilities in humanitarian action.

In accordance with the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) in Humanitarian Action, the toolkit provides practical information on how to plan, coordinate, implement and monitor humanitarian responses that address the needs and priorities of children with disabilities. The toolkit’s development was led by UNICEF in collaboration with CBM Global and its Inclusion Advisory Group. The toolbox has been designed to accompany the UNICEF Guidance: Including Children with Disabilities in Humanitarian Action

The Toolkit includes: 

A package of operational tools to strengthen the implementation of UNICEF guidance. The toolbox covers a wide range of practical topics selected after extensive consultation with UNICEF staff and partners. 

Companion pieces that provide minimum actions with practical examples to ensure disability-inclusive humanitarian action in line with the CCCs, UNICEF Emergency Procedures, and guidance.

​​​​​​​The training modules introduce disability-inclusive humanitarian response, key concepts and consideration of inclusive CCCs, aligned to disability-inclusion common competency and functional learning domains within the new UNICEF Humanitarian Learning Framework and Competency Framework for Cluster Coordination.  

Key Area
children with disabilites
humanitarian emergencies
humanitarian response

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