Gender and disability inclusion in education: evidence from West and Central Africa


In the lead up to the G7 and the Global Education Summit convened by the Global Partnership for Education, the UN Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI), UNICEF, UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP-UNESCO), Sightsavers and Humanity & Inclusion are joining forces to launch two-part webinar series on inclusive education for girls with disabilities! When safe, quality education is available to all, it has the potential to transform our societies and reverse inequalities. 2021 is a critical year for girls’ education. 


Girls with disabilities are still being denied their right to education. The Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated existing gender inequalities and presented new challenges for inclusive education systems. Building on studies conducted by UNICEF, Humanity & Inclusion and Sightsavers in West Africa, the regional-level webinar will shed light on the importance of intersectionality in education, with a focus on gender and disability. The event will stimulate discussions around the local, national and regional responses that are needed to effectively address barriers and ensure inclusive education for girls with disabilities.


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